Revisiting the Cycling Trails of Toohey Forest

Bike path at Toohey Forest
Photo credit: Lyle Radford/Wikimedia Commons

For bike riders who want to explore Brisbane’s natural areas, Toohey Forest Park is an interesting pathway to explore. Let’s revisit this 260-hectare reserve from a biker’s eyes.

Toohey Forest Park is located 10 kilometres south of the Brisbane Central Business District (CBD). It adjoins bushland owned and managed by Griffith University.

Set on 260 hectares, the forest vegetation is typical of the open eucalypt and vine forests that once covered Brisbane. There are sandstone outcrops, stunning grass trees, and banksias scattered throughout, which are particularly spectacular during late winter and spring when wildflowers are in bloom.  The understorey has wattles, she-oaks, heath species, creepers, and grasses.

Toohey Forest Guidepost
Photo credit: Lyle Radford/Widimedia Commons

The forest is the habitat of over 400 species of native wildlife and plant species. It is home to koalas, short-beaked echidnas, squirrel gliders, possums, and flying foxes. There are a variety of reptiles like lizards, goannas, skunks, and geckos as well as an array of butterflies and frogs.

It is also the abode of more than 75 species of birds such as kookaburras, grey shrike-thrushes, white-throated treecreepers, rainbow lorikeets, eastern spinebills, and yellow-faced honeyeaters.


Plant & bird at Toohey Forest
Photo credit: Lyle Radford/Wikimedia Commons
Photo credit: Gunjan Pandey/Wikimedia Common

Most of the forest tracks are recommended for bushwalking but the park also has designated mountain bike trails, namely Lophostemon Track, Toohey Ridge Track, Nathan Ridge Track, Dellwood Track, and Intercampus Link.  These cycling trails differ in length, accessibility and difficulty.

Photo Credits :

Here is a map of the mountain bike trails in the area.

Bike path Toohey Forest
Photo credit: Brizpom/Wikimedia Commons
Picnic area Toohey Forest
Photo credit: Lyle Radford/Wikimedia Commons

With several kilometres of bike pathways and picnic spots, Toohey Forest is a great place to enjoy a scenic ride. As you listen to bird songs in the background, it really does feel like you’ve escaped the city, even if it’s only for a short while.

For more information on Toohey Forest Park, refer to the Brisbane City Website.