Stage E Of The Veloway 1 Cycleway In Tarragindi & Nearby Suburbs Now Underway

Veloway 1 Cycleway
Photo credit: TMR

The construction of Stage E of the Veloway 1 Cycleway (V1) is now underway. The $45-million Stage E is the biggest single package of works in the entire V1 project and will provide a 1.4 km path for cyclists between Birdwood Road, Holland Park West, and Gaza Road in Tarragindi.

The V1 is a cycleway that is dedicated to connect the City and Eight Mile Plains adjacent to the Pacific Motorway. The 17 km bicycle path from Eight Mile Plains to the CBD aims to make bikers’ lives easier and safer. Upgrades to the cycleway are being done in five stages, with the four stages already complete and in use.

Veloway 1 Cycleway
Photo credit: TMR

Stage E will also deliver three dedicated bridges for cyclists:

  • Marshall Road
  • Sterculia Avenue
  • Bapaume Road near Gaza Road
Veloway Stage E
Photo credit: TMR

Construction started in late August 2018 to be completed in mid-2020, weather and construction conditions permitting.

Upon completion of site preparation and earthworks, construction work will tackle drainage, retaining walls installation and the building of bicycle bridges, fences and signages.

The completed V1 stages, which are now in use, covered the following roads:

  • Stage A – Logan Road (exit 14) to Miles Platting Road
  • Stage B – Miles Platting Road to Gateway Motorway off-ramp, Eight Mile Plains
  • Stage C – Lewisham Street at Greenslopes to Birdwood Road at Holland Park West
  • Stage D – O’Keefe Street to Lewisham Street
Veloway 1 Cycleway
Photo credit: TMR

Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Minister Mark Bailey is very excited about the construction of stage E of the project and how it will improve the safety of the bike riders.

“Safety for riders will be improved along the route by providing physical separation from motorists with bridges soaring over Marshall Road, Sterculia Avenue, and Bapaume Road at the Gaza Road off-ramp laying the foundations for future growth,” Mr Bailey said.