Did you know that the labrador retriever is Brisbane’s most popular dog breed and Tarragindi has 127 of these charming and affectionate pooches?
A detailed analysis by Ray White data analyst Jemima White shows that there are currently 127 Labrador Retrievers in Tarragindi. The data is based on the number of animal registrations by breed from the current BCC animal registration dataset. With spacious backyards and lush surroundings, Tarragindi’s more active and friendly dogs love it here.
Tarragindi’s Labradors are just a small part of the larger story of Brisbane’s love for dogs. The city has a preference for a certain breed, which happens to be the Labrador. From the leafy suburb of Alderley to the busy streets of Annerley, Labradors have become a popular choice for dog owners in Brisbane.
Much like their human counterparts, the Labradors of Tarragindi are cherished by their family units for their sociable nature. During sunny spells or between showers, the parks of Tarragindi and other parts of the suburb become a happy hunting ground for dogs and their doting owners alike.
Top Dogs of Brisbane
1 Labrador Retriever 9,605
2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 7,019
3 Border Collie 6,995
4 Maltese 6,712
5 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5,534
6 Poodle 4,760
7 Golden Retriever 4,223
8 Dachshund 4,127
9 Australian Kelpie 4,016
10 Jack Russell Terrier 3,365
The Labrador’s status as the top dog among Tarragindi dog-owners has influenced the suburb’s housing profile. There is a higher percentage of larger blocks to accommodate families and their pets.

Brisbane’s typically smaller block sizes in the inner city have proven less conducive to Brisbane’s dog owners’ canine ambitions. So it seems that families have, by and large, sought housing and the park-and-play space accompanying it so that every member of the family could enjoy a little peace.
In Tarragindi, Labradors are more than just pets; they represent companionship, joy, and the simple pleasures of owning a pet. These dogs embody community, family, and the unspoken bond between two and four-legged creatures. From Brisbane’s top dog to beloved family companions, Labradors contribute to the friendly and warm atmosphere that surrounds this unique suburb.
Published 15-March-2024